Saturday, September 02, 2006

Kidneys Doing Overtime

You can diagnose a lot about your own health. Many health conditions manifest themselves on the hands, the tongue, the eyes etc.
You can check your kidneys, gallbladder and liver by examining your hands.
Look at the palms of your hands and note their color. If they are reddish with obvious white blotches or dots, you may need to detoxify your system. Your kidneys, gallbladder and liver are being overtaxed.
Although, during pregnancy the above signs are common due to the extra stress put upon the woman's body. It is vital during pregnancy to maintain a healthy diet low in sugar, salt and animal fats, as well as no smoking, no coffee or alcohol and regular exercise along with deep breathing exercises.
Detoxing the system requires a change in diet, drinking more pure water, exercise (to get the blood flowing) and deep breathing exercises.

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