Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Humming and Breathing Deeply

There seems to be a lot more to good health and vitality than just diet and exercise. Probably the number one contributor to poor health is stress. Stress causes indigestion, constricts breathing, increases blood pressure, contributes to insomnia, constipation and many other common disorders that if not attended lead to auto-immune diseases etc. Hmmm. Just stop and take some deep breaths, close your eyes and picture something pleasant, even for a few seconds. There, you've just put up a defense against the stress onslaught. Every time you take a deep breathing break you strengthen your body's energy resources. Get the air in and get the toxins out.
Stress usually creeps up on the back of your neck and spreads down the back of your shoulders. According to Asian Indian medicine, this is where most cold and sickness viruses enter. Roll your shoulders and practice deep breathing breaks. Don't suffer from oxygen starvation. Your whole immune system will suffer if you neglect this vital force. No matter what the situation, stand or sit up straight and take some deep breaths and break the back of stress.

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